Here I sit, in an apartment on the 32nd floor overlooking the beautiful skyline of Toronto. Looking at house listings in Boston and trying to get a handle on what the hell happened since Hanna's Graduation.
Hanna's grad pic! |
Since my last post there have been many changes in my family.
Midnight loved a car ride! |
After Hanna graduated from High School, we put our house of 15 years (in Florida) on the market and it sold really fast. We moved out and put our stuff in storage while we look for a new house in the Boston area (1200 miles away).
In the process of packing up the house our 14 year old black lab 'Midnight' passed away. He is sorely missed.
We packed up our older daughter Olivia and moved her into her dorm at Boston College,
Livi with us at Boston College! |
then my husband and I packed up our younger daughter Hanna and moved her into her dorm at the University of St. Andrews... in Scotland!
Empty nesters without a nest.
Hanna at St Andrews in Scotland! |
I am so proud of our girls! They are getting settled into school now... Olivia just got moved up to copy editor at her school paper and Hanna is going out for the Crew team. I just can't believe how quickly time flew by, they were just babies, it all went by in a flash.
Our silly girls! |
My sister and her husband are kind enough to lend their guest room to us when we're in Boston to search for a house. Did I mention that my husband has been commuting from Florida to Toronto for the past two years. We didn't want to move the girls in their third and fourth years of high school so yes, he commuted to Canada for the past two years.
My studio mate and best dog in the world isn't here to keep me company anymore, but I know he is happy and free of pain wherever he is, (hopefully catching a ride in the backseat!)
...and I don't have a place to call home,
I guess chapter two is just beginning... its a life reboot.
After two years T and I can finally be together.
Soon we'll find a new house.
We'll welcome a new puppy.
And, our girls will come to our new home for Christmas!
Me and T at the old course in St. Andrews, Scotland. |