Monday, June 30, 2014

'Nautical' wall art for Lilla Rogers Bootcamp!

'help sometimes'  ©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.
June with Lilla Rogers MATS Bootcamp was all about the Nautical theme. This was my entry.
I've posted before about MATS Bootcamp -  a portfolio building group for illustrators and designers looking to push their style into different directions. The category was 'wall art' but something like this would be great for cards, journal covers and maybe even a theme for a children's book as well!
 Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp
Lilla Rogers Assignment Bootcamp

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Sewing Circles' for Spoonflower!

'Sewing Circles' Collection ©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs

The Challenge -
This week at Spoonflower… 'sewing notions' in a special 'Coordinates Design Challenge'!  Designers were asked to design four coordinating prints with the sewing notions theme on a full yard of fabric (42" x 36"). This contest is extra exciting because guest judge Denyse Schmidt, designer, quilter and author, will pick a winner from the top ten community voted designs to be featured on the pages of an upcoming issue of Love Patchwork & Quilting!

The Design - 
This challenge was fun for me. My love of fabric is what started my Spoonflower design obsession. I am a member of my local Modern Quilt Guild chapter, and a huge fan of Denyse Schmidt

I started with research, first going to Denyse Schmidt's website to check out her new collections of fabrics and her quilt patterns. Then of images from my Pinterest board on the subject . It has tons of pictures of buttons, threads, and vintage scissors and such. I drew an enormous amount of images in my sketchbook and on my Adobe Ideas app on my iPad.

When the drawings were done I opened them in Photoshop and chose a color palette. The tomato pin cushion was an image that I wanted to use in my final composition, so the red and green were the first colors chosen. I didn't want the pattern to look like Christmas, so I auditioned some darker colors. Plum, aqua and two tones of grey seemed to be working pretty well so I went with it.

The first composition to be completed was the tossed tomato pin cushions. I assembled the color layers in Photoshop and used 4 different drawings in varying sizes and directions, then added the stitching texture to have a hand quilted feel. The sewing circles and the check were done with a hand quilted look. These all went fairly quickly and then I wanted to do a layout with some of the leftover drawings on my screen. The last layout has so many detailed drawings that it took way longer than I wanted, but I am pleased with the result. I have so many images that I actually came up with two completed collections for this topic and could probably do many more!

'pins and needles' Collection
©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

Voting starts on Thursday, June 26th, 2014. Vote Here!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

'Farm Fresh' for Spoonflower!

 This week at Spoonflower... Farming. 'Please create a design that celebrates the tools, machines, animals, or plants that make farms and farming so special'. 

'Farm Fresh'  ©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

I love to draw birds. So, naturally whenever the opportunity comes up I take it. In my mind you can't have a farm without chickens, so I started drawing hens, roosters and chicks. Then came the ducks pigs, barns, fences, tractors, farmers and tools as well. They were all drawn on my iPad with my Adobe Ideas App, then imported into Photoshop where I colored the images and arranged them into a pattern. I added type, tractor marks and plants to complete the design!

Voting starts today, June 19th 2014, and continues until June 26th, 2014! Vote Here!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Top 100 in 'Fabric8' Contest for Spoonflower!

'Cosmic Voyage 3000' © 2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

My 'Cosmic Voyage 3000' fabric design was chosen from several hundred designs to be in the top 100! An exciting first step in the Fabric8 design contest for Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman Fabrics!

This week you can vote by going to the Spoonflower page and casting your vote! (VOTE HERE).

Next Thursday the top 8 designs to receive the most votes will move on to the next level of competition where they will have to design 3 more fabrics to create a collection... Then more voting to reveal a winner who will receive a fabric contract with Robert Kaufman Fabrics! Please Vote!
Detail 1 of  'Cosmic Voyage 3000' © 2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

Detail 2 of  'Cosmic Voyage 3000' © 2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

Detail 3 of  'Cosmic Voyage 3000' © 2014 Patty Rybolt Designs.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

…In a Bottle for Lilla Rogers Bootcamp!

Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells (MATS) Bootcamp this month is all about 'Nautical'! I'm experimenting with things in a bottle. This is one of the pieces that I'm working on...
'…in a bottle' ©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 6, 2014

'Tiki Surf Club' for Spoonflower!

This week at Spoonflower… Surf's up!
'School is out, summer has begun, and it's time to head to the beach.'
'Tiki Surf Club' ©Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved. 
What better way to spend the day than catching waves on your surf board?
The design…
The concept for this assignment was in my head for days. I knew that I wanted my surf design to include Hawaiian tiki's, surf boards, and sharks combined with some kind of type treatment. I  researched hawaiian patterns, Samoan tattoo design, Hawaiian art, flowers, patterns and even Ngatu (Tongan) art. After researching I drew basic outlines of surfboards, sharks, fish, paddles, a canoe and some tiki carvings on my iPad in my AdobeIdeas App. Then separately drew details like the hibiscus flower, leaf, the turtle and some traditional Ngatu symbols used in their art. The designs were opened in Photoshop where they were colored and layered to assemble the individual elements. When the images were complete I lined them all up to be the same height added the type 'Tiki Surf Club', then repeated the design in a 1/2 brick layout!
required restricted palette
All designs submitted were required to use the restricted palette and designed to fit a fat quarter (21" x 18"). Voting started Thursday, June 5th, 2014, and continues until Thursday morning June 12th, 2014!   Please vote!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fabric8 'Cosmic Voyage 3000' for Spoonflower!

  Here is my entry for this year's Fabric8 Contest with Spoonflower and partner Robert Kaufman Fabrics! The 2014 Fabric8 Contest theme is Cosmic Voyage.
'Cosmic Voyage 3000' Fabric8 
contest entry for Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman Fabrics.
©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.
"Fabric8 is an annual contest to discover eight bold, modern fabric collections from new and emerging designers. This year, the winner of the contest will receive a chance to release a collection through Robert Kaufman Fabrics." 

  Spoonflower will narrow down the entries to the top 100 this week, and then anyone can vote on the top 100 to narrow the field to the top 8 starting on Thursday, June 11th, 2014. The top eight will then develop 3 more designs to complete a collection. Robert Kaufman Fabrics will announce a winner on July 24th, 2014!

I'll let you know if I make the top 100! Wish me luck!!
Detail of 'Cosmic Voyage 3000' 
©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.

Detail of 'Cosmic Voyage 3000' 
©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.

Detail of 'Cosmic Voyage 3000'
©2014 Patty Rybolt Designs. All Rights Reserved.